Using the API
RPort comes with a Restful API that enabled you to integrate RPort into your projects.
Last updated
RPort comes with a Restful API that enabled you to integrate RPort into your projects.
Last updated
To use the API, you must get your personal API token. A token belongs to a user, and all user-rights (or limits) are applied to each transaction executed with the token.
From the settings menu in the top-right corner, select "API Token". Generate a new token. The token is displayed only once. If you lose the token, it can't be recovered. So store the token in a safe place.
If you have command and/or scripts enabled on your clients, the API token can become very powerful. 🔥Taking full control over one or all clients might be possible with an API token.
Never communicate with the API without encryption (HTTPs).
Delete tokens that are not used anymore.
The base URL of the API is https://<server-domain>/api/v1
. You must use HTTP basic authentication using your username and the API token as password.
Test the API connection by fetching the server status. Example:
You can read the API documentation online, nicely rendered via Swagger, here. Alternatively, will find the full API documentation (raw swagger file) on our GitHub repository.