Using the API

RPort comes with a Restful API that enabled you to integrate RPort into your projects.

To use the API, you must get your personal API token. A token belongs to a user, and all user-rights (or limits) are applied to each transaction executed with the token.

From the settings menu in the top-right corner, select "API Token". Generate a new token. The token is displayed only once. If you lose the token, it can't be recovered. So store the token in a safe place.

If you have command and/or scripts enabled on your clients, the API token can become very powerful. ๐Ÿ”ฅTaking full control over one or all clients might be possible with an API token.

  • Never communicate with the API without encryption (HTTPs).

  • Delete tokens that are not used anymore.

The base URL of the API is https://<server-domain>/api/v1. You must use HTTP basic authentication using your username and the API token as password.

Test the API connection by fetching the server status. Example:

curl -u john:740df110-8b06-4071-90c1-13645a023a85 \

You can read the API documentation online, nicely rendered via Swagger, here. Alternatively, will find the full API documentation (raw swagger file) on our GitHub repository.

Last updated