File copy and reception

Learn how to transfer files from your local desktop to remote clients

Starting with version 0.7.0 it's possible to upload files directly to remote clients and store them anywhere on the remote file system.


Both, the server and the clients must run at least version 0.7.0 of Rport to use the file copy function. Updating all your clients is not necessary as long as you don't want to use this feature on them.

File reception is enabled by default on the rport client. If you consider it insecure, turn it off in the rport.conf file.

[file-reception] enabled = false

Pay attention to the optional filters that can be used to exclude folders from write access. By default, files cannot be coped to most OS-critical folders. Extend the filters according to your needs.

  ## Receive files pushed by the server, enabled by default
  # enabled = true
  ## The rport client will reject writing files to any of the following folders and its subfolders.
  ## Wildcards (glob) are supported.
  ## Linux defaults
  # protected = ['/bin', '/sbin', '/boot', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/dev', '/lib*', '/run']
  ## Windows defaults
  # protected = ['C:\Windows\', 'C:\ProgramData']

šŸ•µ On Linux, a sudo rules is needed and created by default to allow changing the owner and mode of a file. Review and/or delete /etc/sudoers.d/rport-filereception if it conflicts with your security policies.

Transfer files

  • Once a client allows file reception, click on the Files tab.

  • Select a local file.

  • Specify where the file should be store remotely. šŸ‘‰ You must enter a full path, not a folder.

  • On Linux, you can also specify the owner and mode of the file.

Last updated